Here is a list of all Aircel Ussd Codes currently live . You can activate and deactivate any services or check any type of balance on your Aircel mobile using these Aircel Ussd codes. Find your balance, Find the latest offers, Find your data usage easily using these USSD codes. To start or to stop services ,check data/talk balance, find out best offers on 2G or 3G you can use the following USSD codes by dialing the code on your mobile.
Main Balance or Validity | *111# or *127# or *125# |
GPRS/Internet Balance | *126*1# or *126*4# |
Special Deals and Discounts | *789# |
SMS Balance and Validity | *126*2# or *123# |
Talktime Balance | *125# |
3G balance | *123*11# or *111*99# |
2G Balance | *111*5# |
Calling Balance | *111*4# |
Minutes Balance | *123# |
Balance Transfer | *122*666# |
3G Internet | *122*5*1# or *122*456# |
Rate cutter | *122# |
Available minutes and SMS | *123# |
Applies To or Aircel USSD Codes for -
TamilNadu, Karnataka, New Delhi, NCR, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Jharkhand, Chennai, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir, Kerala, Kolkatta, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, North East, Orissa, Punjab. Rajasthan, UP East, UP West, West Bengal. For Aircel Postpaid and Aircel Prepaid Connections
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